Sunday, March 23, 2014

Baby Shower by Mail

We have a new baby in the family! Welcome Baby! You are so loved already!
Before Newest Addition arrived, I knew I wanted to do something special for Mommy and Daddy-to-Be. There is so much to do to prepare for a baby and every bit helps. Plus, a new baby is a great reason to celebrate!
Why not just throw a baby shower? Well, they live in Missouri and they have family and friends throughout the US and in England. A traditional baby shower was kind of out of the question. I thought on this for a while and then decided to try throwing a baby shower by mail. 
I chose a ducky theme, because its super cute and because I remember feeling like I would never have all my ducks in a row when I was getting ready to have Z-man. I put together packets all decorated in ducks for twenty-five or so close female family and friends. Each packet included several activities with instructions to mail the completed parts back to me and to select a present and mail it directly to the Midwest.
The activities I included were:
-A card with wishes for Baby on it. I designed my own. Even though its not amazing design work, I'm proud of it and it included exactly the things I wanted it to. (Here is a downloadable version of it. It doesn't look so hot in the preview but looks normal once it is downloaded.)
-A card with advice for Mama-to-Be. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, I ordered this one. 
-Either a onesie or a bib to decorate.
-Envelopes for each participant to write their address on for easy thank you note-sending. One clever mama of four sent her envelope back sans an address, marking it "Do not send me a thank you card. You already have enough to do!" How true!
I also included a little goody bag like an actual shower- a ducky keychain with tiny duck candies, tagged "Thank you!"
After I received the completed packets, I laminated the baby wishes and complied them into a book. The mama advice cards went on a key ring for easy referencing. I stamped the envelopes and slipped a thank you card under the flap. Each onesie or bib was pinned with a duck that said "Made with love by _______"
I put all the parts inside the biggest box I could find, filled the box with confetti, ribbons, and balloons, stuck duck stickers all over the outside and the inside of the box, and taped a pink ribbon for Mama to wear while she opened it all right inside the flap.

The balloons were pretty flat by the time it arrived, but Mom and Dad loved it. She even video taped it so we could be part of her "shower."  I loved being part of helping them prepare for Baby and having a first hand glimpse at how loved and supported they are-even from a distance.

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