Saturday, September 20, 2014

Z-man's "Limma"

I asked Z-man what he wanted to eat for snack and he thought long (really long) and hard and then told me he had "a limma". After much confusion, I realized he was telling me he had a DILEMMA. His "limma"? He couldn't decide between goldfish and cheerios. Luckily, this problem has an easy solution. We had both.
I mixed them together in his snack cup. After drawing a chart with a goldfish on one side and a cheerio on the other, I asked him to sort them before eating. He loved it. He sorted all of them and then surprised me by counting them, too.

Z-man kept asking me, "What goes on the black line?" So I gave him a "challenge." (After the wave of Ice Bucket Challenges, this is Z's new favorite word. He will do almost anything if I pose it as a "challenge.") I ask him to line up the goldfish and the cheerios on the line. I started the pattern verbally, saying "one goldfish, one cheerio." He followed my direction and then kept it going! Sorting and patterns in one snack time? Win!

Most importantly, this activity was another great reminder that almost all of my most enriching and best mom-moments are super simple and organic!

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