Monday, February 10, 2014

Fire Fighter Fun

My classroom theme is Community Helpers this month. Our school tries to incorporate 3-D art into classroom learning so when I came across this diaper box upcycle, I was inspired. My students painted three diaper boxes, one red (fire house), one blue (police station), and one white (hospital). 
On fire fighter day, the kids drew plans of what the station should look like. I gathered some accessories such as construction paper flames, red ribbons, and white rope "hoses" and followed their plans as best I could. I pulled the Lincoln Logs out of my cabinet and we borrowed fire trucks from my Z-man's collection and from other classes. 


This quickly became the most played with toy in the classroom. One student even added a second level for the fire fighters to sleep.  (I was too busy enjoying their creativity to snap a pic.) They pretended that various areas of the room were on fire with paper and ribbon flames and called 911 on play phone in the classroom. The fire trucks raced out of he station to the rescue. Luckily, the rope hoses put out the fires quickly, but this play opened the door for some great fire safety conversations, too!
As an added bonus, Z-man, who plays in my class before and after school, loves this. All week he has been happily entertained with these boxes for about 20 minutes of independent play at a time! That's a goldmine with my 21-month old. Winner all around!

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