Monday, January 26, 2015

Boogyin' with my Woogie

One of my favorite things to do with Z-man is dance. Somehow we started playing this game that we call "Boogie Woogie". I start singing "Boogie Woogie..." in a sing-song voice and then I ask Z-man a question like "what's your favorite animal?" He then answers in a speed- round fashion. "Giraffe." The more dance filled and blues-esque my performance, the more excitement I get back.
I ask another one: "Boogie Woogie, what color are your socks?" "Blue." There are some trivia questions "Boogie Woogie, who are your grandmothers?" He has five, so this is quite a test of memory recall. "Boogie Woogie, what's Mama's real name?" We go on and on. Sometimes, Z-man accompanies us on the piano and often we have microphones, either imaginary or like these fabulous light up ones.
Why is this goofy game share worthy? Well, its super fun. And the more fun times we have together, the more cooperation I gett. Also, boogying with my woogie gets us talking--and learning new things about each other. I love the chance for him to learn important information in a fun way, like my real name or where we live. And lastly, this jingle has saved us those few minutes before dinner is ready when he is hungry and tired and just done. Those minutes are sometimes super rough but when we boogie our way through them, we are both happy. 

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